Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Lost - II

Men and women appear, all the time.
They laugh, they smile, they chuckle.
They save every nickel, spend every dime.
They kill a butterfly, admire a honeysuckle.
Annoyed by a cat's mewing, they enjoy the church bell's chime.
They party hard, and work harder, till they buckle.

They confess, kneel before the Lord, then commit many a crime.
They are actually angels in disguise, yet alarmingly fickle.

Men and women lose a little everyday.
They sob, they whimper, they cry.
But, ultimately, no one ever manages to stay.

Lost among the graves in the graveyard,
Crimes forgotten, good deeds erased from minds,
Just remembered as they who passed away,

They who watched their lives pass them by,
Having walked through life without knowing the way.

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