Thursday, July 10, 2008

Just around the river bend...

As the pristine silvery water shone
I heard the steady, calming drone,
Adding to the still, untouched beauty of
This unexplored land, this lovely breeze,
All this greenery, the hum of the bees.

I looked up to the blue heavens.
The birds flew in groups of tens,
So sure of the way without a compass.
Though peaceful, this unfamiliar territory
Made me cautious, induced fear in me.

I rowed swift, causing ripples on the serenity,
A color palette stretching as far as I could see.
But is that all, I asked myself, there could be a fall -
A steep one, at that; or there could be a new land,
Far away, uncovered, hidden, newly unveiled and...

My thoughts were cut short, as the boat swirled,
Round and round, dizzily it moved and whirled.
It was a whirlpool - oh, a possibility I hadn't counted.
A magical land I'd had in mind, and some waterfall,
But not this, I hadn't expected this whirlpool at all.

Then came the waterfall I'd thought about, envisioned,
When I wasn't the least ready for it, the least cautioned,
And during the roller-coaster fall, I clung to the boat,
Closing my eyes tight, not knowing what more there'd be,
Not knowing what in my journey I'd face, what I'd see.

I opened my eyes slowly, disappointed, disorientated -
Do only my bad visions come true? My dreams unabated,
Dejected, disheartened, I rowed on, not knowing why I should.
But I did. I held on to the oars, and the currents aided me.
I know it hasn't ended, this long, though uneventful, journey.

Suddenly, before my eyes, appeared the green trees,
Swaying in the gusty wind, the sight of wild geese
Flying away, the grasses tall, a rich green, just rained upon.
The whirlpool and the waterfall were really not the end.
This magical land of my dreams had always been right there,
Just around the river bend.

Down by the river bend...

Amazing azure sky,
delightful glistening earth,
sitting by the river
dreams are slowly given birth

Stolen colors,
from the rainbow
or is it?
from the flowers
delightfully aglow?

butterflies of thoughts
run riot,
In the garden of dream castle
to the tune of the stream
flowing in mirth

Where illusion with reality meet
And the birds chirp in glee
Rakish wind , the humming bee
dances, the flowers sweet

Every time I visit,
a beautiful little dream greets
Many a happy moments I spend
down by the river bend