Thursday, July 10, 2008

But it rained...

Wow, I'm gonna get kissed!
But it's bright, the heat unkind -
Uh-oh, it's not what I want!
Dreams that continually haunt -
A kiss in the rain I had in mind -
Are they gonna get totally missed?

There he is, my handsome hero.
Standing beneath a cloudless sky,
We look at each other, and smile.
Our eyes devour, our hearts soar, while
We move closer, and closer, oh, my!
This is gonna be wonderful, I know!

A sunny kiss I hadn't quite visualized.
But then, a kiss, in itself, is something new.
I'd dreamed of a kiss in the pouring rain,
But it's OK, though the sun is such a pain!
The sky is such an endless, clear blue.
I wanted a downpour, in torrents, maximized!

He pulled me closer, his lips covered mine.
I could think of nothing else, but lovely him.
I'd lost all thoughts of clouds, rain and sun.
Oh, just wait, we'd give the fairy tales a run
For their money! Passion had us both limp,
With wonder, with love, emotions so fine.

Just as I was about to open my eyes,
I felt the first drop of rain on my skin.
Ye gods! It was no dream, he was no dream!
I realized the clouds aren't what they seem.
I smiled into his brown eyes, chocolaty sin.
It wasn't a smile just from the kiss so nice!

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