Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Walk Alone

Without a doubt or a second thought,
The showers of rain embrace me lovingly.
Yellow and red flowers from the trees fall
Softly on me. An innocent, wee little tot
Smiles dazzlingly at me, as he walks past.
I watch each of the faraway birds circling
The skies, till they become a tiny dot
At the horizon. The blazing evening sun
Is a fierce, red ball, setting, oh, so slowly,
As the moon rises, never to be caught.
The dragonflies fly in delightful harmony.
There is a sign of rain in the sweet, warm air,
With a promise of more, I know not what.
The gentle breeze caresses me, whispering
Little secrets into my keenly listening ear.
Blissful silence and solitude prevail. I do not
Have any kind of company; not a friend
In sight to share the joy I'm feeling with.
As I survey all the beauty that can never be bought,
I simply prefer to walk alone - proudly solitary.

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