Saturday, December 29, 2007


My life was easy, safe, sure.
I was confident, strong, secure.
Then you walked in, and everything
Changed; right now, crocodiles sing,
Dragonflies dance, and I just sit and watch.
Even the elusive butterflies are easier to catch!
I wish I could regret it all; I wish I'd known.
You've turned my safe life upside down.
I never know what's going to happen next.
These days, I'm just not sure what's best.
Why do I feel so new, so fresh, so wonderfully alive?
I just don't care for the depth, I just want to dive!
I'm simply not what I once used to and loved to be.
You've disturbed my calm existence, don't you see?
What other evil, sinister plans have you got, now?

It's my life, not yours, for you to run the show!
Just what else have you got in your crafty mind?
When I wake up tomorrow, what else would I find
That would surprise me more, that would make
Me feel different? Sigh, but then, what is a lake
Without its ripples? And just what would I do
Without my elixir, my darling, my soul - you?

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