Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Life - II

From the cradle to the grave,
I've carried so many thoughts, sorrows,
Memories, money I've saved,
Money I've stolen or borrowed.
I've borne the cross of my burdens,
My sufferings, my hurt, my pain,
All the crimes, actions without sense,
Mistakes I've committed. A stain,
A black mark, a dirt on my conscience
That could never be bleached or removed,
I hold within myself. Reminiscences,
Dreams, visions, wishes, hatred, love
I've felt before still burn steady and bright,
In the heart of my hearts, all lost secrets.

Now, as I stand upon my own grave,
Watching myself laid in the coffin,
I wonder what I now, with myself, have.
I wonder what kind of a person I've been.
I see people crying, mourning, lamenting
My loss. I wonder how many of them
Truly miss me, truly wish I was living,
Truly believe they've lost a perfect gem.
I wonder whether any of them loved me.
I wonder why I shouldn't have lived on.
As the people turn back and leave, I see
Their tears have dried. Soon, they're all gone.
I realize I don't regret a moment of my short life.
It's time for me to leave, too; I'm now free to go.

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